Thursday 24 October 2019

grammar english


·         Positive   :   Sub + Has/Have + V3 + (Obj)…..
                             Ex: He has bought a new smart phone
·         Negative :    Sub + Has/Have + Not + V3 + Obj….
                       Ex: He has not bought a new car
·         Question :    Has/Have + Sub + V3 +Obj…..
                       Ex: Have you bought a new car ?
Ø  We use the present perfect to talk about:
-        The present result of a part action.
Ex: I have finished my homework. I can watch TV now
-        Experiences in our life without saying when they happened.
                    Ex: I have been to Canada.
Ø  Present perfect is used with several of time expressions.
-        S + has/have + V3 + lately/recently.
Ex: He has married recently.
-        S + has / have + V3 + (month, year, morning)…
Ex: He has earned a lot of money this year


Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Put the verb in the present perfect tense.
take /   work/  find/ see/ speak/ know/ begin/ do/learn /eat /have /write/ give /live/ buy/ be

1)      I met Barbara when we were in elementary school. We …………each other for over twenty year.
2)      We …………..many new words since we started this course.
3)      That is a wonderful movie. I ………… three time.
4)      Mr. and Mrs. Tonner ………………married for 10 year.
5)      You are late! The class ……………already ………………..
6)      Robert is my neighbor. He……………….next door to me for five year.
7)      Mary …………………………several letters to her parents since she left home.
8)      We …………………in that restaurant several times.
9)      Our teacher ………………us a lot of help with the homework assessment.
10)  She ………………………to her landlord many times about the broken window.
11)  We have a new camera. We …………..some beautiful pictures of the grandchildren.
12)  They …………………all their homework already.
13)  Mr. Baxter ……………..all her groceries for the week.
14)  Tommy ……………….a bad cold for many year.
15)  Frank ……………….for that company for many years.
16)  After three month of looking. She ……………..a beautiful apartment to rent.

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