Wednesday 23 October 2019

grammar practice

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs

1  Subject and object pronouns
Subject pronouns
I       you        he        she       it        we       you        they

Object pronouns
me        you        him        her        it        us        you        them
•  The subject is the person or thing doing the action:
/ left early.
She went home. We said goodbye.
•  The object is the person or thing receiving the action:
She telephoned me. I hit him.
We saw her.
Write the correct pronouns for these sentences.
1  ..She...  telephoned yesterday, (she)
2   We watched .him... for hours, (he)
3   Hasn't....... arrived yet?  (she)
4 .............. don't understand.  (I)
5    Are you talking to...........? (I)
6   Don't ask.............doesn't know,  (she/she)
7   This is Julia.............have known.........for years,  (we/she)
8    Nobody told............. the bus was leaving,  (they)
9   Why didn't.......... ask......... to come? (she/they) 10 Don't ask               
  Ask ............ (I/he)
11..............think.........doesn't like ............(Ti/he/I)
12..........asked invite ...........(they/he/we)

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs

2   Reflexive pronouns
myself        yourself        himself        herself        itself ourselves        yourselves   
•  The object is the same person or thing as the subject:
1 cut myself when I was cooking.
The kettle will switch itself off automatically.


Write the correct reflexive pronouns for these sentences.
1    I like to wake ..myselff.. up in the morning with a cup of coffee.
2   Thanks for a great party - we really enjoyed  . ourselves.. .
3   I hate watching............................on video.
4   I'm sorry, Tony, but I haven't got enough money to pay for you. Can you pay for...................?
5   After his accident, Philip drove the hospital.
6   We don't need a babysitter - the children can look after

7   Now, children, remember to give ........................... enough time to answer all the
exam questions.
8   'Should I apply for the job?' she asked.......................
9   We're planning to buy............................. a new television. 10 He hurt         
 ....................when he was playing football.

3   Possessive adjectives

• Each pronoun has a possessive adjective:

I      —>      my
we     —>     our
you   —>   your
 you    —>    your
he     —> his           
they    -->    their
she     —•     her         
 it      —>      its


Write the correct possessive adjectives for these sentences.
1   These are parents. (!)
2   I've got,  (he)
3   Is this {you)
4   Do they like............. new house? (she)

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs
5   Have you met .......... teacher? (they)
6   Who's got (I)
7   I don't like .................teacher,  (we)
8   Have you got ............ passport? (you)
9   He forgot............keys,  (he)
10 They changed ............ hotel, (they)
11  She gave the letter to..............secretary,  (she)
12 There's something wrong with  (I)
13 They're having a party in............. garden, (they)
14 Where's...........pen?  (I)
15 I like.............. jacket.  (You)

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