Monday 28 October 2019


Use  Been/Gone/Ever/Never in present perfect    

Been/ Gone

#We use the present perfect of be (have been / has been ) to say that someone went to a place and then returned.

Ex: Dary has been to China. She really liked it. ( Dary went to China. Now she is at home .)

#We use the present perfect of go  (have gone /has gone ) to say that someone went to a place and they are still there.

Ex: Dara has gone to park. He will come back soon. (Dara went to the park. He is at  park now.

Ever / Never

#Ever means “in your life “. We use ever in interrogative sentences between the subject pronoun and the past participle.

Form: Has/Have + sub +ever + v3 + Obj?

Ex: Has she ever visited Chicago?

#Never means “not in your life “ . We use never in affirmative sentences between have/ has and the past participle.

Form: Sub + has/have + never + V3 + Obj

Ex: They have never met a famous person.


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