Monday 28 October 2019

Learning English

“Eduardo Buys New Shoes”
Directions: Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.
    Eduardo is trying to get a job. Tomorrow he has an appointment for a job interview with a company. For the interview, Eduardo needs new shoes. Eduardo must buy new shoes for his interview. Eduardo starts by looking in his newspaper for sales. He does not see any good sales in the newspaper. So, he decides to drive to shoes stores.
     First Eduardo goes to his local department stores. He tries on the shoes there. There are few good pairs of shoes there, but they are expensive. Eduardo cannot afford them. Eduardo goes to a cheaper shoes store. Eduardo tells the salesperson that he wants a black pair of formal shoes. The salesperson helps him look at shoes.
“What is your shoes size?” the salesperson asks. “Size ten” Eduardo tells him.
The salesperson finds there pairs of shoes in a size ten. Eduardo tries all of them on, and finally finds a pair of shoes that are a good color and that fit.  Eduardo tells the salesperson that he would like the shoes. The salesperson ring up the shoes at the cash register, and Eduardo pays for the shoes. Eduardo takes the shoes, thank the salesperson, and leaves the store.
At home, Eduardo starts to prepare interview. He gets together his suit, pants, shirt, tie, and his new shoes. He practices answering interview questions. He gets already for his interview. Eduardo hopes that he will get the job tomorrow.(Learning English)

I Questions:
1_When is Eduardo’s interview?
     A. yesterday
     B. the day before yesterday
     C. Today
     D. Tomorrow
2_Where does Eduardo go first to look at shoes?
    A. A shoes store
    B. A local department store
    C. warehouse
    D. The mall
3_What size shoes does Eduardo want?
    A. Six
   B. Seven
   C. Nine
   D. Ten
4_Which of the following was a supporting factor
regarding,  Eduardo’s decision to buy the shoes?
    A. Price
    B. Fit
    C. Color
D. All of the above
5_What color shoes did Eduardo want?
   A. Black
   B. Brown
   C. White
   D. Tan

II Vocabulary:
1_What must Eduardo do at that interview?
     A. Get a job.
     B. Ask several question.
      C. Answer questions about himself and the job          he wants.
     D. Answer questions about is personal life. 2_When you decide to do something, you……..
    A. Plan to do it.
    B. Choose to do it
    C. Forget about it
    D. Want to do it
3_When you cannot afford something, you….
    A. do not have the money to pay for it
    B. have the money to pay it
    C. do not like it
    D. must rent it
4_A cheaper item is an item that…………………
    A. costs less
    B. costs more
    C. is of better quality
    D. is must usually more popular
5_Which of the following is not an example of a typical interview question?
   A. What is your name?
   B. Do you have any references?
   C. Do you have much experience?
   D. What kind of car do you drive?

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